Services to the Homeless | TRM Ministries | United States
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In addition to meeting the basic needs of food, clothing, safety and shelter, we strive to meet the unique and long-term needs of our guests. As a guest of TRM, every person is offered the following services.

Christian Booklet


Our greatest calling and our greatest joy is to love God and love people. Above all else, we desire to show through our lives and service the love of God and the joy of an intimate and personal relationship with Jesus.


Our guest management team listens to the stories of the individuals experiencing homelessness who come to us for help. It's our goal to make them feel heard, seen, and accepted. Our team then helps our guests to recognize, address and work through the issues that led them to become homeless, working with them to develop a plan for their stay that will best help them to be successful, both while at TRM Ministries and after leaving.

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The TRM Career Readiness Education (CaRE) Program is designed to help our unemployed and underemployed guests and members of our community attain the knowledge, skills and attitudes for employment and successful work performance. Programming is made possible through our partnership and substantial financial support from the United Way of Greater Topeka. Our goal is to help participants develop life management and job readiness skills needed to gain and retain employment. Our mission is to “Positively change lives by educating, assisting, and mentoring participants to obtain financial sustaining employment”. CaRE participants develop and enhance their work readiness skills and abilities for personal and professional success. Community and business partners are vital to the overall program success. Graduates report after program completion that they become more responsible individuals, having the ability to make better choices and decisions as they strive towards financial stability and self-sufficiency.


TRM Ministries provides assistance to our guests to connect with community agencies and services. Our team has established strong community support and collaborative community partners to assist our guests with addiction recovery, mental and emotional health, physical health, dental services, vision services, veterans’ services and many others.

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Female hand holding house key,real estat


TRM Ministries provides counsel, strategy and direction with a homeless rehousing team eager to help our guests locate and obtain affordable, safe and appropriate permanent housing. We also provide follow up case management once our guests have obtained housing and are rejoining the community.


While staying at our shelters, a host of other services may be provided as needed. These services include but are not limited to: transportation, medical assistance, clothing, food, and learning the basics of financial independence, such as budgeting and paying bills. 


Homework Help
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