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Every year TRM Ministries provides services to thousands of individuals in need in our community. If you or a loved one need help, you've come to the right place. Even if you've never needed us before, we are here for you. For emergency assistance please call us at 785-354-1744. To talk with someone about your situation please call or email us.


To learn about other resources across Topeka and Kansas, please call 211. 

Image by Randy Jacob


Due to Covid-19 and the safety of those we serve TRM will give priority shelter in the following manner. Our Men’s Shelter will give priority for single men coming from Shawnee, Wabaunsee, Jefferson, Jackson, and Osage counties.  The Hope Center, for families and single women, will consider individuals from those same five counties. 


Additionally, consideration for registering at the Hope Center will be given to those from the counties of Marshall, Nemaha, Brown, Doniphan, Pottawatomie, Atchison, Morris, Franklin, Miami, Chase, Coffee, Anderson, and Linn counties. Individuals wishing to be considered for Hope Center shelter must first call, be screened and receive approval before coming. 785-354-1744.


All other potential guests outside these areas will be considered on a case-by-case basis but must call first. This was not a decision that came easily. It has always been our desire to serve all who come to our doors seeking help, yet in this critical time our top priority is safety for our guests, staff, and volunteers.

Packed Lunch


At this time we are limiting in-house meals to our guests while continuing to provide hot prepared meals that include items for supper and breakfast to those from the community at large. These hot meals are distributed Shinkle-Stutzman Park on the east side of our Main Shelter at 600 N Kansas Ave, Monday-Friday from 6 - 6:30 PM and Saturday and Sunday from 5 - 5:30 PM. To request a meal please call 785-354-1744


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Community food distribution is every Tuesdays & 

Thursdays from 9AM-2PM at 401 NW Norris.

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Courier taking crate with products from
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