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January 2025

As the new year begins, one thing we see everywhere, from our community to the world at large are New Year’s resolutions. These are the promises we make to ourselves to change or improve in the coming year, whether it’s exercising more, quitting smoking, reading more, or spending less money. The tricky thing about resolutions is that while 80% of people feel confident they can stick to them, only 1% actually do. 

Here at TRM, we would like to share our resolution for 2025, as it reflects not just a new start but a new perspective. This year, we are committed to one powerful goal and theme:

Stand in the Gap = Love in the Gap. 


What does this mean? In 2024, we devoted our newsletters to intentionally looking at the ministry of Jesus to find our “why” in ministry at TRM. Now that we have found our “why,” we are moving forward to share how we live it out in our ministry. By standing and loving in the gap, we are taking to heart what is written in Proverbs 31:8-9, 


Open your mouth for the people who cannot speak, for the rights of all the unfortunate. Open your mouth, judge righteously, and defend the rights of the poor and needy. 


In 2025, our hope and goal are to challenge the stigma surrounding the homeless population and offer a perspective that’s often overlooked. At TRM, we are dedicated to providing prayer, support, and reliance on God as we educate others about living with intentionality—bringing hope and healing to everyone we encounter. 


It doesn’t matter what socioeconomic status someone has. The struggles of people are universal. For example, a homeless individual might wrestle with the same question as a seasoned employee at a thriving company: Do I matter? No matter someone’s income level or social standing, people are hurting all around us. At TRM Ministries, we believe it’s our calling to stand in the gap with them, offering compassion and guidance to help people face and answer that question with hope and confidence. 


Our people matter because everyone matters. 


By standing in the gap with those we serve, our goal is to tend to their hearts. When we tend to their hearts, we join the Lord in His work as He begins to mend their hurt. Healing starts with compassion and understanding, and this year, we want to invite you—our reader—to join us as we explore and address several stigmas surrounding homelessness. 


Each month, we’ll dive into one of these challenging topics to uncover the truth and encourage a perspective rooted in Christlike love, even if it makes us uncomfortable. Some of these topics include: 


• Are people choosing to be homeless? 

• Do they really want housing? 

• Are they lazy and just need to get a job? 

• Is TRM Street Reach enabling homelessness by allowing people to stay unsheltered? 

… and more. 


These conversations are by no means easy, but they are most certainly necessary. Together, we can break down misconceptions and learn to love like Jesus—truthfully, intentionally, and without fear of discomfort. 


We are looking forward to this year as we address these stigmas and explore how our different departments work to identify and fill the gaps that people face every day; gaps that often leave them feeling unable to succeed. The short answer to how we fill these gaps is this: we love in the gap. 


We are not here for a mere partnership to help people through their struggles; we are here to offer true companionship. We are called to step into the miry clay alongside them, to help them find their footing and trust the Lord to pull them to the other side of their gap. This kind of commitment is not for the faint of heart, but we can promise you this—it is always worth it because everyone matters. Plain and simple. 


Happy New Year, and thank you for standing and loving in the gap with us. †

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